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Copy.key - 複製你信賴的交易員

Copy.key create a more long-term oriented copy-trading economics.

Your copy trades not only enable you to automate your trading strategies but also reward you for your early support of these traders.

For many professional traders, they invest enormous time and effort on market research, risk-reward calculations, and testing automated strategies. They find it challenging to carve out time for marketing themselves or build their communities from scratch. Now, you have the opportunity to be an early backer of these traders! By holding a trader's Copy.key, you can replicate their trading strategies. As more users come on board, the value of your Key will also rise up.

<aside> 💡 Encountering issues while purchasing Copy.key? Refer to this article for guidance

How to use Copy.key


How Copy.key Works

The Copy.key mechanism operates by connecting to the exchange's API (Application Programming Interface). The use of an API is essential for transmitting trading signals, enabling different software or systems to seamlessly communicate and exchange data.

Within BlablaBlock, both traders and Key holders provide their exchange APIs to BlablaBlock. Whenever a trader executes a trade, BlablaBlock receives the trade signal. Consequently, BlablaBlock relays this trade signal to the Key holders. The API of the Key holders then automatically execute this trade within the exchange.


Within the BlablaBlock framework, both the Trader and the Key holder store their funds on the exchange . BlablaBlock merely acts as a platform for transmitting trade signals. With the proper permission settings in place, users can be assured that their funds won't be misused by BlablaBlock (Of course we won’t do such a thing!).

The price of the key

The Key's price fluctuates based on its trading volume in the market. To acquire a Key, use the $BLA token to enhance your copy trading journey.

"Price" represents the purchase cost, while "Supply" indicates the current number of Keys circulating in the market. The specific formula is as follows:

$$ Price = Supply ^2 * 30 + 100 $$

For instance,

Let's say there is only one Key currently in the market, which means Supply is 1. If I want to purchase the second Key, the price would be calculated as $1^2 * 30 + 100 = 130$ $BLA